The inspection was complete, and the HVAC professional changed the filter due for replacement.
Our pediatrician asked an odd question a few weeks ago. She wanted to know if we had done any heater maintenance recently. We hadn’t. So we had to get to it as soon as possible. We were curious about the recommendation because we thought our whole home heating system could only help with indoor comfort. As parents of a newborn, we’ve realized how clueless we are about most things, and it was high time we learned more about heating. The pediatrician was kind enough to explain that with the flu season coming, we needed to ensure that our heat pump was part of the solution and not the problem. We had already invested in new heating equipment, so we probably just needed to have it inspected. She explained that when the filter remains unchanged for a long time, it makes the air more polluted, which can worsen symptoms if any of us is sick. Immediately we left the hospital, and we called the heating business to come to check if the heat pump installation had any problems. The heating company responded promptly. The inspection was complete, and the HVAC professional changed the filter due for replacement. The heating technician was also impressed by our quality HVAC and commented that we wouldn’t need new heating equipment for a long while unless we failed to maintain it. The only thing we needed, especially with the baby, would be a smart thermostat which we could easily get from our heating dealer. It is such a good thing that the heating industry found a way to help with indoor comfort and air quality. Quality of life is so much better with the equipment.