They could talk for hours about the latest technology

This morning, Angela was at the grocery store, picking up some supplies for dinner when she heard someone shout, “Hey, Angie!” She turned around and saw Heating and Air Conditioning workers waving at her.

Angela didn’t know who they were, despite the fact that they seemed to know herThey introduced themselves and said they had just installed a Heating plus Air Conditioning unit in Angela’s home the week before.

She was surprised and grateful for the coincidence of running into them. As they walked through the store, they chatted about their work, and Angela learned all about heating and cooling systems. The guys were experts in their fields and could talk for hours about the latest technology and techniques. She must admit, she was impressed with their expertise and passion. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise that sounded like a vehicle engine. The guys’ eyes lit up, and they said, “That’s the sound of a terrible Heating and Air Conditioning unit!” Angela wasn’t sure if they were joking, despite the fact that he abruptly clarified that it was a joke. They all laughed, and continued shopping. She got to learn a few tips for choosing the best air filters and thermostats for their Heating and Air Conditioning system. Angela felt she was getting a free consultation from a professional. As they said their goodbyes and parted ways, she was amazed at how funny it was that she ran into an Heating and Air Conditioning company at the grocery store. Who knew that a trip to the store for milk and eggs could lead to a friendship and a wealth of information about heating and cooling systems?


gas furnace